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The World's Most Original Comedy Act...  Stand-Up Comedy, Incredible Magic, Original Music and Insane Side-Show Stunts!


Seen in Over 30 States Throughout the U.S. and Overseas!
Featured on Both U.S. & International Television! 
Also Seen at:  The Emmy Awards - Caesar's Resorts International -  Resorts USA - The Philadelphia Academy of Music and Top Resorts, Performing Arts Centers and Colleges Throughout America!

"Mad Jack may be the most original comedian alive today..." 
The Mad Jack Show takes audiences to the edge of insanity and back...  All from the relative safety of their seats!

What's With the Eye Patch?


Mad Jack suffers from an eye disability which causes headaches and sensitivity to light.  He sometimes wears an eye patch on stage because of the bright lights.

Think you know comedy?  ...You don't know Jack!

C.A.P. Entertainment (215) 541-3336